Pyrrole – What is it?

Is your child suffering from learning difficulties and behavioural issues? Have you wondered if they have ADHD, Autism, or another spectrum related disorder.

Often, the diagnosis may be correct; however, sometimes the real problem may be Pyrrole Disorder which shares many signs and symptoms.

Pyrrole disorder is caused by the overproduction of hydroxyhemopyrrolin–2-one (HPL). This chemical in itself is harmless, however it binds to active vitamin B6, then to Zinc and to a lesser degree biotin, manganese and vitamin B3. This prevents your child using them. Zinc and B6 do so much in the body, being involved with growth, memory and learning, mood and behaviour control, feeling happy, digestion, immunity, sleep, dealing with stress, energy production and more.

Stress of any kind (growth spurts, emotional, biochemical, acute illness) will increase production of HPL worsening deficiency symptoms. As many symptoms of Pyrrole Disorder are related to behaviour this can lead to your child’s behaviour rapidly spiralling out of control. The poor behaviour leads to a stressful home and school environment and in turn more stress.


Pyrrole Disorder symptoms can mimic many symptoms of ADHD. This includes:

1. Poor stress control, mood swings, highly irritable, depression, anxiety.

2. Sensitive to bright lights, noises, and smells.

3. Morning nausea, aggravated by smells and tendency to skip or delay breakfast.

4. Strong and violent tempers 

5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

6. History of underachievement, reading difficulty.

7. Sensitive to clothing tags


  1. Very dry and pale skin 
  2. White spots on fingernails
  3. Stretch marks on skin

A person doesn’t need all of these symptoms to have pyrrole disorder, severity varies from person to person. Plus not all people with the above symptoms will have Pyrolle Disorder. It can present differently from toddler/adolescent to adult. 


Diagnosis of Pyrrole Disorder is done via urine. A very easy safe way for children to get tested. With active Pyrrole Disorder, the levels of HPL in the urine will be elevated.


The treatment for Pyrrole Disorder is simple and effective. Pyrrole disorder responds well to Zinc and activated B6 supplementation, given at the right doses and right times of the day.

Generally parents notice changes in their children in just a few weeks once adequate zinc and B6 levels are achieved. Retail products are not sufficiently high enough for the majority of people and ongoing testing and evaluation is paramount. 

If you suspect your child or yourself may be affected by Pyrrole Disorder please contact us today at Cassia Wellness

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