Why you should be Very berry

If you were offered a pill that helped you prevent disease, feel full, improve memory and it tasted delicious you would take it, right? You will not need a spoonful of sugar to help this medicine go down.

Just pop to your local grocery store and pick up these vibrant, sweet berries.  No prescription needed.

Its no secret that berries are healthy, but do you know why? Well theses summer favorites are actually a superfruit. What makes berries so special is their high levels of antioxidants.  Antioxidants prevent oxidative stress, which leads to cell damage. Thus a diet high in antioxidants has a role in disease prevention and premature ageing.

So are they in your fridge? Here are seven great reasons why they should be.

Weight control

With obesity numbers rising we need to seriously look at what we eat. Research has shown that people who consume more antioxidants weigh less, even when they don’t eat fewer calories1. So Berries could be an integral part of a healthy diet. Secondly these fruits are high in fiber (pectin), which promotes a feeling of fullness. Seconds anyone? No thanks. Use berries to keep those pounds off and get in 1 of your 5 a day.
Pick – Strawberries (A cup = 50 calories, 7 grams of sugar, 3 grams of fiber)

Reduce cognitive decline

As we get older and live longer we are seeing increasing numbers of people with degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Through aging the neural connections and pathways become weaker and we start to notice problems with our memory. Encouraging news is that the neuronal communication can be enhanced via phytonutrients. Blueberries in particular owe their jewel tone colour to a phytonutirent called anthocyanin.  A study of 16,010 women over 70, showed a postponement in cognitive decline by two and a half years in those with the highest berry intake2. One serving of blueberries a week maybe enough to slow the progression of age related degenerative disease by improving memory, learning and motor skills3.
Pick- Blueberries

Prevent and Manage diabetes

Do you have a sweet tooth? Or are you diabetic? Well these sensational fruits are not only sweet but are also low on the glycemic index scale. Fresh blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and raspberries all have scores below 40, so they gradually raise blood sugar rather than spiking. Not diabetic? Well let’s keep it that way. In the American Journal of clinical nutrition 200, 000 participants were studied over a 24-year period, 12,600 developed diabetes. Yet those that reported the highest intake of blueberries reduced their risk of developing the disease by a whopping 23%!4
Pick– Strawberries, raspberries

Prevent high blood pressure

High blood pressure can lead to kidney failure, peripheral vascular disease, strokes, visual disturbances and heart attacks. A study on acnthacinons showed over a 14-year period that participants who ate at least one serving of blueberries a day showed a 10% decreased risk for high blood pressure compared with those who ate no blueberries5.  Additional to their antioxidant affects, flavoins can also help dilate (relax) blood vessels, by increasing the activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase6. These chemical compounds have a dilating effect on blood vessels thus reducing your blood pressure.
Pick- Blueberries

Reduce Heart disease

Do you have a family history of heart disease? Well a berry-rich diet may be particularly helpful in not only lowering blood pressure but in several other ways to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease by up to 45%7. Flavinoids has been seen to reduce platelet aggregation, increase good cholesterol and reduce inflammation.8 In a study of 27,000 looking at diet and heart attack incidence, researchers associated a modification in the 9p21 gene related to heart disease when loading up on fruit and vegetables.9. Another study showed women were 34% less likely to have a heart attack eating berries than those who didn’t10
Pick– Blackberries and Blueberries

Cancer prevention

Berries’ antioxidants might be allies in the fight against cancer. In particular a phytonutrient called ellagic acid gets the credit. In test-tube and animal studies, these compounds have been demonstrated to stop the growth of breast, colon and esophageal cancer cells11. Various studies have shown that people who consume foods high in ellagic acid are three times less likely to develop cancer when compared with those who consume very little or no ellagic acid12. The American institute for cancerHighlights that berries also contain  several other anti-cancer nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate and Flavonoids.
Cancer-fighting ellagic acid appears in high amounts in strawberries, raspberries and blackberries.


The natural pigment of ruby red strawberries is called carotenoids. Several studies have shown that carotenoids can protect against boss loss 13. Eighty percent of people in the U.S. with osteoporosis are women; putting them at risk for osteoporosis and broken bones.14 Strawberries are rich in Vitamin c and E. So lets think smartly at preventing bone loss.

So can you know see why berries are called super foods?

So how much should we eat? We all know we should be eating 5 a day of fruit and vegetables so why not make one of them berries! Studies have shown benefits are with three or more servings a week.

Does it matter fresh or frozen? Unfortunately today’s lifestyle does not allow everybody to pick his or her own fresh berries. However nutrients like Vitamin C are maintained even when frozen.

How can I get enough berries into my diet?

Firstly do not be afraid to be creative

  • Start the day with berries in your yogurt, oats or smoothie.
  • Snack on them just as they are washed and fresh with some almonds
  • Lunch – Make a salad dressing
  • Grilled fish on a bed of strawberry and asparagus
  • Dessert – Blackberry popsicles

So DO NOT leave the aisle without these itty bitty fruits in your shopping trolley. Versatile and sweet, and a powerful weapon in prevention that your kids will love to gobble up!


Be Unnumbered

Health is more than medicine. Proactive health, that is evidence based, cost effective and empowers you! Be the master of your health.

In this easy to understand book you can get to the root cause of your health. This book is revolutionary for medicine. It shows that superior outcomes can be brought about by non-pharmological interventions. With you being the master of your own health. This book is dedicated to you. You are not a number. You are unique. You are Unnumbered.

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