Legal psychoactives for Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine's day! As of today, the air becomes infused with the sweet scent of love and anticipation. Amidst the exchange of heartfelt gestures and expressions of affection, there's a delightful secret nested within the most favored gift, chocolate. Little do we...

Lifestyle Factors and Your Health

Lifestyle Factors and Your Health

If you know me long enough, you'll know that I'm all about helping people make positive changes in their lives, especially when it comes to their lifestyle. How? Well, I take a biology-centered approach, looking at all aspects of your life, from what you eat to how...

From Pads to Freedom: Gen Z Women’s Bold Approach to Periods

From Pads to Freedom: Gen Z Women’s Bold Approach to Periods

Something has been making waves lately - how Gen Z women are reshaping the way we think about periods. You might have heard about a trend called "free bleeding," where these amazing young women are choosing not to use traditional sanitary products during their...

How Lifestyle Choices Combat Depression

How Lifestyle Choices Combat Depression

In a world that sometimes feels like a whirlwind, it’s easy to find ourselves caught in the clutches of depression. Depression is a condition where someone feels sad, down, or empty for a long time. Depression affects 1 in 7 people in Australia. It’s a serious...

Pyrrole – What is it?

Pyrrole – What is it?

Is your child suffering from learning difficulties and behavioural issues? Have you wondered if they have ADHD, Autism, or another spectrum related disorder. Often, the diagnosis may be correct; however, sometimes the real problem may be Pyrrole Disorder which shares...

Woman Entrepreneurs Making Waves

Woman Entrepreneurs Making Waves

Recent Australian Bureau of Statistics Data shows women make up just over a third of all business operators, which is close to a 50% increase over the past decade. It’s inspiring to see so many women Entrepreneurs start ventures and share their missions with the...



Early riser or night owl? How many hours do you sleep? Does it really matter? Well here's a few truths Women need more sleep due to all their multi tasking  unlucky men ? . Professor Horne at Loughborough university said "women's brains are wired differently, more...

Craving meat what can you do

Craving meat what can you do

Have you decided to eat less meat? Or even see what all the fuss is about vegan? Yup that's me raising my hand! I'm always interested in learning more about health and so after several articles and books I feel I have to try a vegan diet to see the health benefits. So...

7 reasons why exercising outside is better

7 reasons why exercising outside is better

HEALTH – you get essential ☀️vitamin d, reducing depression and diabetes.
HEALTH – you get distracted by the ☘scenery so you will walk, run or train longer! You won’t even notice the ⏱time pass!

You can’t beat a beet

You can’t beat a beet

When I was a kid i’d screw my face up at these electric purple vegetables. Now I can’t get enough of them! Here’s why beets need to be at your fingertips

Why you should be Very berry

Why you should be Very berry

If you were offered a pill that helped you prevent disease, feel full, improve memory and it tasted delicious you would take it, right? You will not need a spoonful of sugar to help this medicine go down.

Nova Magazine: Berry Delicious

Nova Magazine: Berry Delicious

Is your child suffering from learning difficulties and behavioural issues? Have you wondered if they have ADHD, Autism, or another spectrum related disorder. Often, the diagnosis may be correct; however, sometimes the real problem may be Pyrrole Disorder which shares many signs and symptoms.

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